Are golf balls safe for dogs?

As a pet owner, it’s natural to worry about the safety of your furry friend. You know that dogs are prone to play with any ball they come across. One such ball that is today’s topic of discussion is a golf ball. Golf balls are not safe for dogs. They can cause choking, serious dental problems, and damage to the intestine and esophagus. Moreover, if your dog swallows the whole ball, it can become quite a severe problem.

So when you allow your dogs to play with some objects, consider their safety first. Particularly beware of the things they could swallow. One such object that often raises concerns among pet owners is golf balls. This article will explore why golf balls pose severe threats to dogs.

Are golf balls safe for dogs?

4 reasons why you should avoid giving golf balls to your dogs

First and foremost, it’s worth knowing that golf balls are not designed for dogs. They are small, hard objects made of materials such as rubber, plastic, and even wood. These materials can cause various damage to your dog.

Also find Do Soft Golf Balls Go Further?

Choking Problem

In case your dog accidentally swallows a golf ball, it can result in choking or blockages. The risk of choking is particularly high if your dog is a heavy chewer or likes to play with balls. Moreover, the risk of blockage is also high if the dog swallows the whole ball.

Dog choking due to golf balls

If your dog swallows the whole ball, it can get stuck in its windpipe and can cause serious damage. Furthermore, if the ball moves toward the stomach or digestive system, you would have to go for surgery. So storing your golf balls in a safe place is better if you are a golf fanatic. So your lovely dogs do not chew or swallow them.

What if the golf ball sticks in the dog’s mouth?

Firstly, try not to play fetch with a golf ball; it can become quite dangerous if your dog bites or swallows. But if accidentally, your dog sticks the ball in its mouth. You can give it first aid until professional care comes. Try to open your doggy mouth and remove the ball. If it does not help, then:

  • For a small dog, turn the dog upside down, then press on its ribcage with your palms. Do this process five times. If the still ball remains in the dog’s mouth, rush to the emergency and remove it quickly.
  • While for a large dog, stand him up and press your palm on the dog’s abdomen. Repeat this five times. Rush to emergency if it does not help.

Dental Problems

Furthermore, golf balls can also cause dental problems for dogs. Golf balls contain fiberglass, which is hazardous for dog’s teeth. If a dog chews on a golf ball, it can wear down its teeth or cause fractures. This can lead to further dental issues and pain for your pet, ultimately resulting in expensive vet bills.

Dogs Dental Problems

While dogs do have strong teeth and jaws, it’s still essential to avoid objects that could potentially cause harm. So if your dog is gnawing at the golf ball, try to remove it from them and give them safe balls to play with. Gnawing and chewing make dog’s teeth strong but provide them with safe dog toys to chew on.

Harmful Chemicals

Also, golf balls have dangerous chemicals that could hurt your dog. Golf balls are often made with a variety of chemicals, including zinc, heavy metals, and thermoplastics. It can also contain various unknown chemicals but can cause severe damage to our beloved pets.

Therefore, a golf ball can be toxic for your dog if it ingests it. These chemicals can cause various health issues, including anemia, kidney damage, and gastrointestinal problems. Thus ingesting and chewing golf balls seriously threaten dog’s health. So it is better not to let our dogs play with golf balls.

Damage to the intestine and esophagus

When a dog chews on a golf ball, its pieces and chips fall off. These pieces and chips can move into the esophagus and intestine of a dog. These chips and pieces are small plastics that appear harmless in the start but can cause serious threats later.

I gave my small dog a golf ball to play with. He gnawed and chewed the ball continuously and showed the symptoms of lethargy within a week. However, It didn’t become a big problem for us, but it is better to take precautionary measures. Therefore, try to keep your dogs as far away from golf balls as you can.

Precautionary Measures to Protect your Dogs

Store golf clubs securely:
Try to take precautionary measures to avoid the serious threats caused by golf balls. Keep your golf clubs away safely and out of your dog’s reach. Put them away in a box or another secure location.

Play with other balls:
If your dog is fond of playing with golf balls. Try exchanging golf balls with other safe balls that do not pose severe threats to their health. Dogs are fond of playing with balls, and we cannot stop them from their habits. But we can offer them a secure substitute. 

Dog toys:
There are dog toys specially designed for your puppies. You can play with your dogs in complete safety and enjoy yourself. Try giving your dogs these toys instead of golf balls.

First aid techniques:
You can take many precautions to avoid all the hazards from the golf ball. But accidents do happen. So prepare yourself in case of any accidents. Learn the first aid techniques to help your dog in its time of need. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A golf ball poses severe threats to your dogs. It can cause choking, the addition of toxins in the dog’s body, and damage to the dog’s teeth, intestine, and esophagus. Therefore, it is best to prevent your dog from playing with a golf ball.

A large dog has a greater chance of swallowing a golf ball. As a golf ball is small, it can quickly go into a large dog’s mouth. While small dogs have relatively less chance of swallowing a golf ball, golf balls are still hazardous for small dogs.

A golf ball consists of fiberglass that harms dog’s teeth. So when a dog chews and gnaws on a golf ball, it hurts its teeth. Their gums can be damaged, and their teeth can fall off as a result of chewing a golf ball. So try not to provide your dogs with a golf ball.


In conclusion, golf balls are not safe for dogs. Despite their apparent safety, they can seriously endanger your pet’s health. If your dog likes to play with balls, there are plenty of safe and durable alternatives available, such as tennis balls or rubber toys designed for dogs. As a pet owner, it’s essential to prioritize your pet’s safety and well-being, and avoiding golf balls is a simple step you can take to protect your furry friend.

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