Do Golf Courses Close When it Rains?

Golf courses are a popular recreational spot for people of all ages and skill levels. What happens when it rains, though, is one of the top worries that golfers have. Does the golf course close down, or can golfers still play? The response to this query depends on several variables, including the amount of rain, the condition of the course, and the golf course’s policies. But mostly in light rain, golf courses remain open, while golf courses shut down during heavy downpours.

So if you are planning a golf game, remember to check the weather. You may enjoy the game in light rain but with some extra measures. While in heavy rain, it may be possible that management won’t allow you to play. This article will discuss which weather conditions force golf courses to close down and measures you need to take in rainy weather.

Do Golf Courses Close When It Rains?

Golf Courses In Heavy Rain

The majority of golf courses typically remain open when it rains. However, a number of variables can affect this. If the rainfall is particularly heavy or persistent, closing the course might be necessary to prevent damage to the greens and fairways.

What are the reasons for closing golf courses in heavy rains?

These are a few reasons why golf courses close in heavy downpours:

  • Rain can make the course slippery and muddy, making it difficult for golfers to play safely and enjoyably.
  • Additionally, heavy rainfall can cause water to accumulate on the course, leading to water damage and erosion, ultimately resulting in costly repairs and long-term damage to the course.
  • Moreover, during thunderstorms and lightning, golf courses close up to ensure the safety of golfers.
  • Also, in heavy rainfall, there are more chances of the club slipping from the golfer’s hands because of the weak grip. Also find out Do golf balls float?

Golf Courses In light rain

However, not all rain is created equal. Light to moderate rain is generally not enough to cause significant damage to the course, and golfers may still be able to play in these conditions. You can play in light rain but require the desired equipment. Also, play with caution in wet conditions.

Some golf courses have specific policies in place for when it rains. For example, they may allow golfers to play in light rain but require them to stay off the course during heavy rain. Other courses may have a “rain check” policy, where golfers can receive a refund or credit for a future round if they cannot play due to inclement weather.

Who decides to close the golf courses?

Ultimately, the decision to close a golf course due to rain will be up to the course superintendent or management. These individuals will be responsible for monitoring the course and assessing whether the conditions are safe for golfers and whether the course is at risk of damage. This decision can also be influenced by the policies of the golf course, as well as local regulations and weather advisories.

In the golf club where I play, if the light rain pours down, they close it temporarily and open it when rainfall stops. However, when heavy rain falls to soak fairways and cause the ground to become soft or creates large puddles, our superintendent closes the course until the condition resolves.

Why is playing golf in the rain so challenging?


The first and foremost reason playing golf in the rain is difficult is its effect on the golfer’s grip on the club. When the club and the golfer’s hands are wet, it becomes challenging to maintain a secure grip on the club.

In such conditions, rain gloves are your secret weapon. They help you hold the club more securely. I do not enjoy playing in the rain as I become wet, and an uncomfortable sensation sets in me while delivering the shots.

Wet grounds

The impact of the rain on the golf course adds another challenge to playing golf in the rain. When it rains, the ground becomes softer, and the grass becomes wet and slippery. This can make it challenging to take a proper stance and swing the club as the golfer’s feet can slip while they swing, leading to an inaccurate shot. The wet ground can cause the ball to stop or move slowly, leading to longer and more challenging shots.

Rain Effects on the golf ball

The third challenge of playing golf in the rain is its effect on the golf ball. When it rains, the ball becomes heavier and denser, making it more challenging to hit long distances. The heavier ball can also lead to slower and shorter shots. Additionally, the rain can affect the ball’s trajectory and spin, making it more challenging to control and hit accurately.


Finally, playing golf in the rain can be uncomfortable and distracting for the golfer. The rain can cause the golfer’s clothes to become heavy and wet, making them feel uncomfortable and cold. This can affect their concentration and focus, leading to poor shots and a lower overall score.

What precautions should one take in the rain?

It’s also worth noting that golfers should exercise caution when playing in wet conditions. Golfers may be at risk of falling or tripping on the course if it has recently rained. Additionally, wet conditions can impact a golfer’s ability to control their shots, making it difficult to get good traction.

Footwear: Golfers should wear appropriate footwear to avoid the chance of slipping.

Clothing: Moreover, clothing for wet conditions helps you stand the rain. Wear a raincoat, so you do not soak in the rain.

Rain gloves: Wet conditions make clubs slippery, so wear rain gloves for proper grip. Regular gloves do not work well in heavy rainfall.

Golf bags: Use waterproof golf bags, so your kit does not get soaked.

Golf umbrella: Moreover, a golf umbrella also helps you a lot in the rain.

Adjust your game: Most importantly, you must be prepared to adjust your game in the rain. Some shots are challenging to deliver in the rain. Shots on the tee only cover a little distance. Also, putts travel only a little in the rain, and fat shots go nowhere. So, if you are not a pro player, adjusting your game in the rain will take some time.

Also, read what is golf umbrella.


Playing in the rain solely depends on the person. If you enjoy playing in the rain, you can play as long as the golf course is open. When it rains a lot, golf courses frequently close. While in light rain and drizzle, most golf courses are open.

You can use regular golf gloves in the rain if they give you the proper grip. But in my experience, using rain gloves in wet conditions is better. They get you a better grip and stability. I only use rain gloves while playing golf in light rain and drizzle.

Golf courses close in heavy rain because the grounds become slippery, muddy, and mushy. Moreover, it is difficult to play in such circumstances. Furthermore, golf courses close up in lightning and thunderstorms to protect the golfers from accidents.


In conclusion, whether or not golf courses close during rain depends on several factors. Safety concerns, course conditions, and management policies are all important considerations. While playing golf in the rain may seem like an adventurous and exciting experience, it is essential to prioritize safety and avoid damaging the course. So if you want to play in wet conditions, prepare accordingly and check if your golf course is open.

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