Do Golf Gloves Prevent Blisters?

Golf is a sport that requires a lot of precision and technique, but it can also be hard on the hands. The repetitive swinging motion of the club can lead to blisters and calluses, making it uncomfortable and painful to continue playing. Many golfers turn to gloves as a solution to this problem, but do golf gloves actually prevent blisters? Let’s take a closer look. Golf gloves are designed to help prevent blisters by providing a layer of protection between the hands and the club handle.

Do Golf Gloves Prevent Blisters?

Blisters are a common problem for golfers, especially those who are new to the sport or who play infrequently. Blisters can form on the hands from the repetitive rubbing and friction of the club handle against the skin. They can be painful and make it difficult to grip the club properly, which can negatively affect a golfer’s swing and overall performance. To rectify this issue golf gloves are made to provide golfers with extra protection from blisters. They are typically made from synthetic materials or leather and feature padded areas on the palm and fingers to help absorb shock and reduce friction.

This article will explain how blisters can affect your game and how to properly take care of your hands to avoid the formation of blisters.

Firstly what actually are Blisters?

Do Golf Gloves Prevent Blisters?

First of all, it’s important to understand how blisters form. Blisters are essentially pockets of fluid that form between the layers of skin. They usually occur as a result of friction, either from something rubbing against the skin or from two layers of skin rubbing against each other. When it comes to golf, blisters often form on the hands because of the repeated rubbing and pressure from holding onto the club.

Can you stop Blisters Formation by Wearing Golf Gloves?

Golf gloves are designed to help alleviate some of the friction and pressure of clubs. They provide a barrier between the club and the skin, which can reduce the amount of rubbing and chafing that occurs. Additionally, gloves can help absorb some of the shock and impact that comes with hitting the ball, which can also contribute to blisters. Also, find out the pros and cons of wearing Golf Gloves.

So, do golf gloves actually prevent blisters? The answer is yes, to some extent. Golf gloves can certainly help reduce the likelihood of blisters forming. By providing a barrier and absorbing some of the impacts, gloves can reduce the amount of rubbing and pressure on the hands. This, in turn, can help prevent blisters from forming.

do golf gloves prevent blisters

How to Prevent Blisters from Forming?

Preventing blisters from forming is an essential aspect of maintaining healthy hands and maximizing your performance on the golf course. Here are some tips for preventing blisters:

1. Wear the Right Gloves

As mentioned earlier, wearing the right gloves can help prevent blisters. Choose gloves that fit well, are made from high-quality materials, and have padding in the appropriate areas. If you’re unsure about which gloves to choose, consult with a golf equipment expert or a professional golfer.

2. Practice Good Hand Hygiene

Keeping your hands clean and dry is crucial for preventing blisters. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after playing golf, and use a towel to dry them off. If your hands tend to sweat, consider using an antiperspirant or powder.

3. Maintain Proper Grip Technique

Gripping the club too tightly can cause excessive rubbing and friction, leading to blisters. Focus on maintaining a relaxed grip that allows for a smooth swing without causing unnecessary strain on the hands.

4. Use Grip Aids

There are a variety of grip aids available that can help reduce the risk of blisters. Consider using a grip enhancer, such as a grip tape or spray, to improve your grip and reduce friction.

5. Take Breaks

Taking regular breaks during your game can help prevent blisters from forming. This allows your hands to rest and recover from the repetitive motion of swinging the club.

6. Use Blister Prevention Products

There are several products available specifically designed to prevent blisters, such as blister pads or moleskin. These products provide an additional layer of protection between the hands and the club handle.

In summary, preventing blisters involves wearing the right gloves, practising good hand hygiene, maintaining proper grip technique, using grip aids, taking breaks, and using blister prevention products. By taking these steps, you can help prevent blisters from forming and maintain healthy hands for optimal golf performance.

How Blisters Can Affect Your Game of Golf?

Blisters can have a significant impact on a golfer’s game.

Physical Effect

As blisters develop on the hands, they can cause discomfort and pain, making it difficult to grip the club properly. This can negatively affect a golfer’s swing and overall performance, leading to a decrease in accuracy and distance.

Mental Effect

Blisters can also affect a golfer’s mental game. The pain and discomfort caused by blisters can be distracting, causing a golfer to lose focus and concentration. This can lead to mistakes and missed shots, further adding to frustration and discouragement.

Additional Health Issues

Furthermore, blisters can lead to additional problems if not properly treated. If blisters are left untreated or become infected, they can cause more serious health issues and require additional time off from playing golf.

Financial Effect

In addition to the physical and mental impact, blisters can also affect a golfer’s finances. If blisters prevent a golfer from playing or competing, they may miss out on important opportunities and potentially lose out on earnings.

Overall, blisters can have a significant impact on a golfer’s game, both physically and mentally. It’s important for golfers to take steps to prevent and treat blisters to ensure they can perform at their best on the course

Can Blisters still appear after Wearing Gloves?

Although wearing gloves can significantly reduce the risk of developing blisters on the hands while playing golf, blisters can still form even if you wear gloves. This can happen due to a variety of reasons such as improper glove fit, low-quality glove materials, excessive sweating, or friction caused by other equipment such as golf shoes.

Improper glove fit can cause the glove to bunch up, resulting in rubbing and friction on the hands. It’s important to choose gloves that fit well and provide adequate padding in the areas where you need them the most. Low-quality glove materials can also lead to blisters, as they may not provide the necessary protection or may wear out quickly, leading to excessive rubbing.

Excessive sweating can also cause blisters to form, as moisture can increase friction between the hand and the glove. To prevent this, you can use an antiperspirant or powder on your hands before wearing gloves. Additionally, you can choose gloves that are made from moisture-wicking materials to help keep your hands dry.

Lastly, friction caused by other equipment such as golf shoes can also lead to blisters. Make sure your shoes fit properly and are comfortable, and consider using blister-prevention products on areas where your shoes may rub against your feet or toes.

Overall, wearing gloves can help prevent blisters while playing golf, but they are not foolproof. To reduce the risk of blisters, it’s important to choose high-quality gloves that fit well, maintain good hand hygiene, use grip aids, and take breaks as needed to rest your hands.


In conclusion, while golf gloves may not completely prevent blisters, they can certainly help reduce the likelihood of them forming. By providing a barrier and absorbing some of the impacts, gloves can help alleviate some of the friction and pressure that occurs during a round of golf. Golfers should choose their gloves carefully and make sure to use them in conjunction with other preventative measures to keep their hands in good shape.

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