How Big Is A Golf Ball In Centimeters? – Size, Diameter, Dimple & More

One of the most important items a golfer owns is a golf ball, which is almost always white, spherical, small, and round. Golf balls affect the spin and trajectory of the shot, so choosing the right ball is quite important. You may wonder what is the size of a golf ball and how the size of a golf ball affects your game.

How Big Is A Golf Ball In Centimeters?

So how big a golf ball is in centimeters? According to the set rules, a golf ball must have a minimum diameter of 4.27 centimeters (1.68 inches).

This article will discuss how big a golf ball is in centimeters and how it affects the game of golf. 

How Big Is A Golf Ball In Centimeters?

Who defined the size of a golf ball?

The size of a golf ball is defined by the governing body of golf, the United States Golf Association (USGA), and the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews (R&A). In 1990 both governing bodies decide on the same ball sizes. Before 1990 both organizations have different ball sizes and players are allowed to play with any ball size they require. However, the difference between both ball sizes was minor but it still greatly affected the game. So at last after years of difference, both USGA and R&A decided on the same sizes in 1990.

Now the size set by both governing bodies has to be followed in tournaments and you cannot play golf tournaments if you do not meet these requirements

Size of a Golf Ball

According to the rules set by these organizations, a golf ball must have a minimum diameter of 42.67 millimeters (1.68 inches) and a maximum weight of 45.93 grams (1.62 ounces).

To convert this measurement into centimeters, we need to use a simple formula. One inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters, so we can calculate the diameter of a golf ball in centimeters by multiplying the diameter in inches by 2.54. Therefore, the diameter of a golf ball is 1.68 inches multiplied by 2.54 centimeters, which equals 4.2672 centimeters.

In other words, the diameter of a golf ball is approximately 4.27 centimeters. This measurement is critical as it ensures that all golf balls used in competitions are of the same size, which is important for fairness and consistency in the game.

Furthermore, the weight of a golf ball is also crucial, as it affects the distance and flight of the ball. The maximum weight of a golf ball is 45.93 grams or 1.62 ounces. This weight limit ensures that all golf balls have the same mass, which is also important for fairness in the game.

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Golf Ball Size Guide for Beginners, Professionals, and Intermediate Players

How Big Is A Golf Ball In Centimeters

There are different golf ball sizes available in the market, and selecting the appropriate size can significantly impact the performance of a golfer. We will guide you through the process of choosing the best golf ball size according to your skill level, whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or pro.

PlayersGolf Ball SizeSpin rate
Beginners Larger ball size (1.73 inches)Low
IntermediatesStandard ball size (1.68 inches)Standard
ProfessionalsStandard ball size (1.68 inches)High

For Beginners

As a beginner, it is recommended to choose a golf ball size that is larger and softer than standard-sized golf balls. The larger size of the golf ball makes it easier to hit and offers more forgiveness. This feature helps beginners to hit the ball accurately and with greater distance. Moreover, the softer cover of the golf ball reduces the spin, which is an essential factor for beginners as it can cause hooks and slices.

For Intermediates

Intermediates have a better understanding of the game and can hit the ball with more accuracy than beginners. Therefore, they can choose golf ball sizes that offer a balance of distance, accuracy, and spin. A standard-sized golf ball is a good option for intermediates as it provides a better feel and control while still offering enough distance. Additionally, intermediates should look for golf balls with a higher spin rate to control the trajectory of the ball better.

For Pros

Professional golfers have mastered the art of hitting the ball and require golf balls that offer maximum distance, control, and spin. Therefore, they should choose golf ball sizes that are standard and have a harder cover. A harder cover generates more spin, which is crucial for the pros to control the trajectory of the ball. Additionally, golf balls that offer less forgiveness but higher control are suitable for the pros.

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Dimples of a Golf Ball

How Big Is A Golf Ball In Centimeters?

Dimples are small indentations on the surface of a golf ball that have a significant impact on its flight and trajectory. These small depressions are not just decorative, but rather they serve an important aerodynamic purpose.

Origin of Dimples

The origin of dimples can be traced back to the 19th century when golf balls were made of leather and stuffed with feathers. The balls were smooth and had a limited range of flight. However, when golfers noticed that scuffed balls traveled further and straighter, manufacturers started experimenting with adding dimples to the ball’s surface.

The reason why Dimples are great

Dimples increase the life span of your golf ball and provide the necessary air resistance to deliver the perfect shot. The reason dimples work is due to the science of aerodynamics. A smooth ball traveling through the air creates a layer of air known as a boundary layer, which slows down the ball and reduces its lift. However, when dimples are added to the surface of the ball, they create a turbulent flow of air around the ball, which reduces the size of the boundary layer and allows the ball to travel further and with more accuracy.

In addition to the aerodynamic benefits, dimples also play a role in the appearance of a golf ball. Golf balls with a larger number of smaller dimples can give the ball a more uniform and polished look, while fewer larger dimples can make the ball appear more rugged and textured.

Science of Dimples

The science of dimples has come a long way since the first golf balls were introduced. Today, golf ball manufacturers use advanced computer modeling to design balls with precise dimple patterns and sizes to optimize their performance. The introduction of new materials and manufacturing techniques has also allowed golf balls to have more complex dimple patterns that can further enhance their aerodynamic properties.

How Big Is A Golf Ball In Centimeters?

The number, size, and pattern of dimples on a golf ball can vary depending on the manufacturer and the intended purpose of the ball. Typically, a golf ball will have between 300 and 500 dimples, and they are usually arranged in a symmetrical pattern to ensure that the ball is balanced and flies straight.

How does a golf ball affect the game?

The type of golf ball a player uses can greatly impact their overall game. Golf balls are made with varying levels of compression, spin rate, and dimple patterns, which can affect the ball’s flight path and distance

1. The Effect of Varied Compression of a Golf Ball

Higher compression balls are generally used by more experienced players with faster swing speeds, as they provide more distance but require more precision. Lower compression balls, on the other hand, are designed for players with slower swing speeds and provide more control and accuracy.

2. The effect of the varied Spin Rate of a Golf Ball

The spin rate of a golf ball also plays a critical role in its flight path. A ball with a high spin rate will tend to curve more in the air, which can be beneficial for players looking to shape their shots. However, too much spin can also lead to a loss of distance and accuracy. Conversely, a ball with a low spin rate will fly straighter, making it easier to control and predict. The dimple pattern on a golf ball can also affect its spin rate, with deeper dimples promoting a higher spin rate and shallower dimples reducing it.

3. The effect of the Varied Weight of a Golf Ball

Another factor to consider is the weight of a golf ball. While all golf balls must meet a certain weight requirement, some manufacturers offer balls that are slightly heavier or lighter than others. A heavier ball may be more challenging to hit, but it can also provide more distance and control. A lighter ball may be easier to hit, but it may sacrifice distance and accuracy.

4. Environmental Effect

In addition to the physical characteristics of the golf ball, environmental factors can also affect its performance. Wind, temperature, and humidity can all impact the flight of the ball, making it challenging for players to predict where it will land. The type of grass on the course can also


In conclusion, the size of a golf ball is an essential factor in the sport of golf. The diameter of a golf ball is 1.68 inches or 4.27 centimeters, and it must weigh no more than 45.93 grams or 1.62 ounces. These strict rules ensure that all golf balls used in competitions are of the same size and weight, which is essential for fairness and consistency in the game.

Overall, a golf ball is a critical component of a player’s game, and selecting the right ball can have a significant impact on their performance. Our guide will help you choose the right golf ball. Do visit us for more articles and increase your golf knowledge.

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