How to make Golf Grips Tacky Again-Step by Step Guide

Golf is a game of precision and focus, and a key element in achieving a successful swing is having a secure grip on the club. Over time, golf grips can lose their tackiness due to wear and tear weather conditions, and other factors, which can lead to a loss of control and accuracy.

Are you facing the same problems of losing the tackiness of your grips? If yes, then fortunately, we have several ways to make golf grips tacky again. You can ensure your grips are tacky again by cleaning them, sanding them, or using grip solutions, tapes, and other techniques. This article will explore some of the most effective methods to make golf grips tacky.

How to make golf grips tacky

What is meant by a Tacky grip?

A tacky grip is a rubber-like material that covers the handle of a golf club, providing a sticky surface that allows golfers to maintain a firm hold on the club. A tacky grip is designed to provide a consistent grip in all weather conditions, including rain, humidity, and high temperatures. This feature is particularly important for golfers who play in areas with high humidity or frequent rainfall, as a slippery grip can lead to poor swings and lost shots. Read this post to find Pros & Cons of Wearing a Golf Glove

How to make your golf grips Tacky again?

1. Clean the Grips

The first step in restoring tackiness to golf grips is to clean them thoroughly. Sweat, dirt, and other debris can accumulate on the surface of the grips, making them slippery and difficult to hold onto. A clean grip will not only improve your grip but also improve the longevity of your clubs.

How to make golf grips tacky, Clean golf grip

Step 1: Remove the Grips from the Club

The first step for cleaning your golf grips is to remove them from the club. This can be done quickly by using a grip remover tool, which can be purchased at any golf shop. If you do not have a grip remover tool, you can also use a flathead screwdriver to remove the grip. Insert the screwdriver between the grip and the shaft and carefully pry the grip off.

Watch this video to remove the grip from the club within 2 minutes.

Step 2: Prepare a Cleaning Solution

Once you have removed the grips, you will need to prepare a cleaning solution. You can use a mild soap and water solution or a golf grip cleaner that is specifically designed for cleaning golf grips. Mix a small amount of mild soap or grip cleaner with warm water in a bucket to make your cleaning solution.

Step 3: Soak the Grips in the Solution

Next, soak the grips in the cleaning solution for approximately 10-15 minutes. This will help to loosen any dirt or grime that has accumulated on the grips. Be sure to fully submerge the grips in the solution and agitate them gently to help remove any stubborn dirt.

Step 4: Scrub the Grips

After the grips have soaked, it’s time to scrub them. You can gently scrub grips with a soft-bristled brush or a sponge. Pay extra attention to the areas where your hands make contact with grip, as these areas are likely to have the most buildup of dirt and sweat. Avoid using abrasive materials, as they can damage the grip’s surface.

How to make golf grips tacky, Scrub golf gip

Step 5: Rinse the Grips

Once you have finished scrubbing grips, rinse them thoroughly with clean water. Make sure to remove all the soap or grip cleaner residue from the grips. If you leave any soap or cleaner on the grips, it can cause them to become slippery and affect your grip.

Step 6: Dry the Grips

After rinsing, use a clean towel to dry the grips thoroughly. Make sure to remove all the water from the grips, paying attention to the areas where the grip meets the shaft. If you leave any water on the grips, it can damage the adhesive used to attach the grip to the shaft.

Step 7: Reattach the Grips

Once the grips are completely dry, it’s time to reattach them to the club. Apply a small amount of grip solvent or double-sided tape to the shaft, then slide the grip onto the shaft. Make sure the grip is aligned properly before pressing it down onto the shaft.

2. Use grip Solution

Grip solution is a specially-formulated liquid that is designed to restore tackiness to golf grips. To use the grip solution, apply a small amount to the surface of grip and rub it in with a clean cloth. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, as some solutions may require a certain amount of time to dry before use.

3. Apply grip tape

Grip tape is another effective way to restore tackiness to golf grips. This method involves wrapping a layer of adhesive tape around the grip, which provides extra traction and grip. Grip tape can be found at most sporting goods stores and can be applied quickly and easily.

4. Use a grip enhancer

Grip enhancers are products that are designed to improve the tackiness of golf grips. These products come in various forms, including sprays, gels, and creams. To use a grip enhancer, simply apply a small amount to the surface of the grip and rub it in with a clean cloth.

5. Sanding grips method

You can also increase the tackiness of your grip by sanding it. By sanding, I mean rubbing your grip with sandpaper. Use medium grit paper as it is most suitable for grips, and will not damage them. When you are done sanding, use a cloth and wipe the accumulated dirt from the grips and clubs. Be gentle in your process, as too much force can cause damage to your grips.

Sanding grip

6. Replace the grips

If the above methods do not work or if the grips are severely worn, it may be time to replace them. Golf grips are relatively inexpensive and can be replaced easily with a few basic tools. New grips will provide the necessary tackiness to help you achieve a secure grip and improve your performance on the course.

I use grip solution and grip tape to ensure the tackiness of my grips. And when my grips wore down excessively, I changed them. In my experience, it is very necessary to have tacky grips to ensure the perfect swings.

Why a tacky grip is necessary?

Here are the reasons why tacky grips are necessary:

Ensures Swing Tempo and Rhythm

A tacky grip is necessary because it helps golfers maintain their swing tempo and rhythm. A loose grip can cause golfers to overcompensate during their swings, leading to inconsistent shots and missed opportunities.

Consistent Grip Pressure

With a tacky grip, golfers can maintain a consistent grip pressure throughout their swing, which helps ensure that they stay on course and hit their targets.

Avoid Injury

Another benefit of a tacky grip is that it can help golfers avoid injury. When golfers have a loose grip on their clubs, they are more likely to develop blisters or calluses on their hands, which can be painful and even lead to infection. With a tacky grip, golfers can maintain a tight, secure grip without putting excessive pressure on their hands.

Boost Golfer’s Confidence

In addition to these benefits, a tacky grip can also improve a golfer’s confidence on the course. Golfers who feel confident in their grip are more likely to make solid, well-placed shots, which can lead to lower scores and a more enjoyable experience on the course. A tacky grip also allows golfers to focus on their swing mechanics and other aspects of their game without worrying about the stability of their grip.

What Causes Slippery Golf Grips?

Slippery gold grips can be caused by plenty of reasons. Let us discuss below

Accumulation of Dirt, Sweat, and Oils

One of the main reasons golf grips become slippery is due to the accumulation of dirt, sweat, and oils from a golfer’s hands. These substances can build up on the surface of the grip, causing it to become slick and difficult to hold onto. Additionally, playing in wet or humid conditions can exacerbate this issue, as moisture can seep into the grip and make it even more slippery.

Type of grip material

Another factor that can contribute to slippery golf grips is the type of grip material. Many golf grips are made of synthetic materials, such as rubber or plastic, which can wear down over time and lose their grip. Natural materials, such as leather, can also become slick if they are not properly maintained.

What can golfers do to prevent their grips from becoming slippery?

So, what can golfers do to prevent their grips from becoming slippery? One of the easiest solutions is regularly cleaning their grips with mild soap and water. This can help remove any dirt or oils that have built up on the surface of the grip, restoring its tackiness. Additionally, using grip-enhancing products, such as grip tape or spray-on grip enhancers, can provide an extra layer of grip and help golfers maintain control over their swing.
Another important factor to consider is replacing grips when they start to wear down. Golf grips have a finite lifespan and will eventually need to be replaced, especially if they show signs of wear or become too slick to hold onto. Golfers should pay attention to the condition of their grips and replace them as needed to ensure they are always getting the best performance from their clubs.

Some of the best golf grips on the market

Here are some of the best golf grips on the market:Golf Pride MCC Plus4:

1. Golf Pride MCC Plus4

This grip is designed with a larger lower hand for more control and reduced tension in the grip. It’s made of a hybrid material, combining cord and rubber, providing a comfortable feel and excellent traction.

2. Lamkin Crossline

The Lamkin Crossline is a classic grip with a pattern that provides a secure, non-slip grip. It’s made of a synthetic rubber material, providing durability and resistance to wear and tear.

3. SuperStroke Slim 3.0

This grip has a large, non-tapered design that helps to reduce grip pressure and promotes a more relaxed grip. It’s made of a lightweight foam material, which can help golfers maintain their grip and control their shots.

4. Winn Dri-Tac

The Winn Dri-Tac grip is designed with a unique polymer material that helps to wick moisture away from the hands, providing a comfortable, dry grip. It’s available in a variety of colors and sizes to suit different preferences.

5. Golf Pride Tour Velvet

The Golf Pride Tour Velvet is a classic grip that has been popular for many years. It’s made of a soft rubber material that provides a comfortable, tacky grip. It’s also durable and provides good feedback to golfers.

Ultimately, the best golf grip for you will depend on your personal preferences and playing style. It’s a good idea to try out a few different grips and see which one feels the most comfortable and helps you play your best golf.


In conclusion, a tacky grip is essential to a golfer’s equipment. It provides the necessary grip and control to make the perfect swing, regardless of weather conditions or course conditions. A tacky grip also helps golfers maintain their swing tempo and rhythm, avoid injury, and improve their confidence on the course.

Moreover, restoring tackiness to golf grips is essential to maintaining a consistent and effective golf swing. By cleaning the grips, using grip solution, applying grip tape, using a grip enhancer, or replacing the grips altogether, golfers can ensure that their clubs are always ready to perform at their best.

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